As I was strolling through CARGO on 13
th with a couple girlfriends we came across a butterfly box. Dead butterflies were pinned in foam and mounted in a box.
"How sad," remarked one of my friends. "They kill them and them put them on display"
This statement started me thinking about the value that we attach to all the things around us.
In particular things we deem as beautiful or visually appealing. I know that I've thoughtlessly almost automatically killed countless unwelcome moths and flies that escape into the house. But never pondered why. If a butterfly were to find it's way into my kitchen, I'd probable catch it and put it back outside. Why is it that things of beauty we treat differently? What is it about something that is visually beautiful that we attach so much value to?
Someone recently pointed out that moths as opposed to butterflies are parasitic and will also destroy clothes and that's why we don't put the same value on them as we do butterflies. Yet still the question that keeps tugging at me is that do we need to see the absence of a threat in order to see value in a life form?